Cougar growl notification
Cougar growl notification

cougar growl notification

They're already on the App Store and have a license so they'll be allowed to support notifications. What I think the Growl team needs to do is work WITH Mountain Lion and bring Notification Center notifications to apps that don't support them. Imagine if any app could route messages through their system, notification centre could become a nightmare of spam, phishing, social engineering attacks. I think as far as notifications go, the fact that Apple handle the processing and delivery of messages means they're unlikely to want to open it up for anyone to use without ensuring that the usage meets some quality criteria. Yet I get the feeling that because it's Apple, it'll be rationalised away as being "best for the user", on some flimsy pretense. It would be the kind of bad PR that kills products. If Microsoft said "well, we've decided to restrict features based on whether you buy it from $anywhere or buy it from us and we get our cut.", the IT world would be alight by now.

cougar growl notification

The funny thing is that I haven't seen more protest on this. Having read that one line, I'm pretty glad I didn't. They're now so far away from the line that the curvature of the earth prevents them from seeing it anymore.Ī few years ago I almost switched to Apple.

cougar growl notification

In fact, that's so incredibly wrong that it's not like Apple just stepped over the line there - they flew over it in a corporate jet, and probably weren't even aware that the line was there. So Apple's official policy is that the source through which you acquire an app will dictate what functionality the OS makes available to that app? Mountain Lion notification functionality will only be available to applications that are sold through the Mac App Store

Cougar growl notification